Engagement Binders screen

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Use the Engagement Binders screen to add a new engagement binder that can be accessed by assigned Workpapers CS staff via the View > Workpapers Dashboard. You can also edit or delete existing engagement binders as needed.

See also: Adding an engagement binder

Use one of the following methods to open the Engagement Binders screen (from the main application) or dialog (from the Workpapers Dashboard).

Choose Setup > Engagement Binders in from the main screen of the application.

Click the Add Engagement link in the Workpapers Dashboard.

Right-click the engagement binder briefcase Briefcase icon in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet, and choose Properties.

Special information

Tabbed pages in this screen

PPC tab

Fields & buttons

Engagement Binder name

(Required) Enter a name for the new engagement binder.

Note: This name is displayed next to the engagement binder icon in Engagement Binders Tree portlet.


Select the type of engagement from the list.

  • Audit
  • Compilation
  • Other
  • Review
  • Tax Return


Select an informational status for the engagement.

  • Active <default>
  • Archived
  • Pending

Period ending date and Period frequency

Workpapers CS uses the Period ending date and frequency for the engagement binder to determine the dates used in the current engagement binder for Excel workpapers, reports, financial statements, and so forth. The period ending date and period frequency is based on the number of periods, current fiscal year end (or period end dates), and period frequency defined in the Setup > Clients > Accounting Information tab.

Beginning and End dates

Enter a beginning date for the current engagement binder, or click the Selection button button to select the date from the calendar.

Enter an ending date for the current engagement binder, or click the Selection button button to select the date from the calendar.

Public entity

Mark this checkbox to indicate if the new engagement is for a public entity. Leave this checkbox unmarked if the engagement is for a nonpublic entity.

Report release date

Enter the date that permission was granted to the client to use the auditor's report in connection with the financial statements.

Completion date

To comply with either the Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 103 or the Public Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) Auditing Standard No. 3, a date that is 45- (for public entities) or 60- (for non-public entities) days after the date that is entered automatically by the application in the Report release date field.

  1. Choose the All staff option to enable all staff members to access the engagement binder.
  2. Choose the Selected staff option to provide specific staff members with read/write access to all workpapers in the engagement binder. Mark the checkbox in the Allow column for each staff member who require read/write access to the current engagement binder. Staff for which this option is not applied have read-only access to the engagement binder and workpapers. 

    Note: By default, Staff that are assigned to the Administrator security group have full privileges to all areas of the application. To limit security privileges for specific staff, you must assign them to a different security group.

Finalize button. Click to finalize the engagement.

For details see, Finalizing the engagement binder.

Roll Forward button. Click to open the Roll Forward wizard and begin the process of rolling forward the engagement binder to the next year.

For details see, Roll forward an engagement binder.

Sort Order buttton. Click to reorder the list of binders as they appear in the Engagement Binders Tree portlet.

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