Drawer Properties dialog [File menu]

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This dialog shows the drawer ID; allows you to change the drawer name, EIN/SSN, and current status; and allows you to add or edit the email address that populates the To field when sending documents from the drawer to email via the Send to Email Recipient dialog. In this dialog, you can also add or edit drawer families and access statistics for the selected drawer.

To open this dialog, choose File > Drawer Properties.

Fields & buttons

Shows the ID for the selected drawer.

Note: You cannot change the ID in this field. To change a drawer ID, choose File > Rename Drawer, select the drawer to rename, click the Rename button, enter the new ID, and click OK.

Shows the name of the selected drawer. To change the name of this drawer, enter the new name in this field and click OK.

Enter the EIN or SSN for the drawer and click OK.

Note: Be sure to enter the EIN/SSN with the proper formatting.

Enter a default email address to populate the To field when sending documents from the drawer to email via the Send to Email Recipient dialog.

Note: You can also enter a default email address for the current drawer in the Client Communications dialog.

Select a status for the current drawer from this drop-down list. Drawers are initially assigned an "Active" status by default.

Note: To assign statuses to multiple drawers at once, choose Help > Repair and click the Update Drawer Status button.

This checkbox is available only if you are licensed for NetFirm CS (any module). Mark this checkbox to include selected documents from the current drawer in transmissions to NetStaff CS or NetClient CS.

Click this button to open the Restrict Access dialog, where you can enter a unique password for the selected drawer.

Click this button to open the Select Drawer Families dialog, where you can group the current drawer with other drawers to form one or more drawer families.

Click this button to open the Drawer Stats dialog for viewing detailed information about the current drawer.

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