Reassign Assets dialog (Inventory module)

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See also: Reassigning assets to a different activity, situs, or association (Inventory)

Occasionally, you may need to move assets from one business activity, situs, or association to another. Use the Reassign Assets dialog to select assets to reassign to a different business activity, situs, or association without reentering asset data.

To open this dialog, in the Fixed Assets Inventory module, choose Edit > Reassign Assets.

Fields & buttons

Lists all assets that are available for selection.

  • Activity: Select an activity from the drop-down list for the Activity field.
  • Situs: Select a situs from the Situs drop-down list to list only those assets that are assigned to a specific situs.

    Note: Assets which are not in a multiple-unit activity can be assigned to a situs using the Edit > Reassign Assets command. However, there is an exception for 1065 clients; Page 1 and COGS activities can assign a group of assets to a situs using Edit > Reassign Assets command. Note that for 1065 clients, the Business and COGS folders are now multi-unit, enabling assets to be reassigned to a situs.

  • Inventory Status: Select an inventory status from the Inv Status drop-down list.
  • Review Status: Select a review status from the Reviewed drop-down list.
  • Association Value: Use the Association Value fields to customize the asset list according to group, location, property type, division, or any custom association that maintains a list.

You can change the columns that are displayed here using the checkboxes in the Focus group box.

Lists the assets you have selected.

Tip: To remove an asset from this list, highlight the asset and click the Remove button. The asset returns to the Assets available to reassign pane on the left.

Focus group box

Use this field to limit the assets that are available for selection to those that are contained in a specific activity folder. Or, to display all assets in all activities, choose (All Activities) from the drop-down list.

To display only those assets that are assigned to a specific situs, select the situs from the drop-down list.

  • To have all assets for all situses available for selection, select All States from the drop-down list.
  • To have all assets that are not assigned to any situs available for selection, select No States from the drop-down list.

Note: Assets which are not in a multiple-unit activity can be assigned to a situs using the Edit > Reassign Assets command. However, there is an exception for 1065 clients; Page 1 and COGS activities can assign a group of assets to a situs using Edit > Reassign Assets command. Note that for 1065 clients, the Business and COGS folders are now multi-unit, enabling assets to be reassigned to a situs.

To display only those assets that are assigned to a specific inventory status, select that status from the drop-down list. Or, to have all assets available for selection regardless of inventory status, choose (All Status) from the drop-down list.

To display only assets that have been reviewed or only assets that have not been reviewed, select the appropriate review status from the drop-down list. Or, to have all assets available for selection regardless of review status, choose (All Review) from the drop-down list.

Use the Display checkboxes and Association Value fields to determine which columns appear in the Assets available to reassign pane.

Display checkboxes

Use the checkboxes next to the association titles to determine which columns are displayed in the Assets available to reassign pane. Note that marking and clearing these checkboxes does not affect the assets that are available for selection.

Association Value fields

A field appears here for each association that maintains a list. Use these fields to limit the assets that are available in the Assets available to reassign pane.

  • To include all assets that are assigned to a particular association, select (All [association]) from the drop-down list.
  • To include only assets that are assigned to a particular association value, select that value from the drop-down list.

To include all assets that have not been assigned to a particular association, select (No [association] association) from the drop-down list. For example, if you want to include in the list all assets that are not assigned to a location, select (No Location association) from the drop-down list.

Reassign to group box

Select the category (activity, situs, or association) to which you want to reassign the selected assets.

Select the association value to which you will reassign the selected assets.

  • When Activity is selected as the category, you can select all single-unit activities and multiple-unit activities that are set up for the client.
  • When an association is selected as the category, you can select any item set up for that association, or you can select no association.
  • When Situs is selected as the category, you can select any situs from the drop-down list. However, if you reassign an asset to a situs that hasn't been added to the client via Setup > Situses, you'll need to add the situs treatment to the client after the inventory is finalized.

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