Manage restricted drawer access and owners

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Only an owner of a restricted drawer can allow or deny other users access to a restricted drawer, add owners, and remove owners. For that reason, try to have at least 2 owners of each restricted drawer, so that there's always an owner to manage access and owners.  

Before you start

You'll need to be a restricted drawer owner. If your firm doesn't have a restricted drawer owner, you'll need to contact Support.

Add or remove authorized users and drawer owners

A restricted drawer owner cannot also be an administrator.

  1. Select Administration, then Restricted Drawer Access.
  2. Select the restricted drawer from the Drawers drop-down list.
  3. To grant a user access or make them a drawer owner: select from the appropriate Users list, then select the right arrow to add them as Authorized Users or Drawer Owners
  4. To remove a user's access or remove a drawer owner: select from the Authorized Users or Drawer Owners list, then select the left arrow to return them to the Users list.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Make sure that an administrator also gives any new authorized user drawer-level permissions for the restricted drawer.

When an administrator changes a restricted drawer owner’s GoFileRoom password, or if the owner uses the forgot password hyperlink to reset their password, the owner loses their drawer ownership, and only another owner can reinstate them.

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Internal only

When an administrator or GFR support resets the password of a restricted drawer authorized user or owner, they will lose access or ownership to their restricted drawer(s). If no owners are available you can request for the Resolver to provide ownership or access to their restricted drawer.