Build Treatment panel

Use this panel to build treatments that are either dependent or equal to another treatment. You can also use this panel to recalculate prior depreciation for all assets for all treatments.

To open this panel, follow these steps.

  1. Open a Fixed Assets project.
  2. Click the Setup button.
  3. Choose the Treatment tab.
  4. Click the Build Treatment button.

Note: By building a treatment, you can calculate and enter the treatment for all assets.

Choose Replace all assets with the following treatment's values to replace the current treatment's values with those of a different treatment. From the drop-down list, choose the treatment that contains the values you want copied to the current column.

Choose Calculate prior depreciation for all assets to recalculate prior depreciation for the current treatment.


  • This option is available for all treatments.
  • All previously entered prior-year data for the current treatment will be replaced with application-calculated amounts.

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