New asset defaults for treatments

Use this tab to set certain fields for the current treatment equal to Tax.

Follow these steps to open the New Asset Defaults tab.

  1. Open a Fixed Assets project.
  2. Click the Settings button.
  3. Click the Treatments tab.
  4. Click New Asset Defaults tab.
  5. In New Asset Defaults do one of the following steps.
  • For an application-defined treatment, select the treatment then make your changes in the New Asset Defaults tab.
  • For a new custom or state treatment, click the Add button, select the type in the Treatment Classification statement, click Save, then make your changes in the New Asset Defaults tab.


Typically, the cost/basis amount is the same for most treatments. Mark this checkbox to have Onvio Fixed Assets automatically duplicate the amount you enter in the Tax column in the current treatment.

  • This checkbox is not available for the Tax, AMT, state AMT, ACE, or state ACE treatments.
  • This checkbox is automatically marked for some state treatments.
  • The application requires you to enter a depreciation method in any column that includes a cost amount.

Method, Life, and ADS Life

Mark this checkbox to make the Method, Life, and ADS Life fields for the current treatment equal to the entries in these same fields for the Tax treatment.

  • This checkbox is not available for the Tax, AMT, state AMT, ACE, or state ACE treatments.
  • This checkbox is automatically marked for some state treatments.

Salvage Value, Credit/Amount, Prior Depreciation and YTD Depreciation

Mark this checkbox to make the Salvage Value, Credit/Amount, Prior Depreciation, and YTD depreciation fields for the current treatment equal to the entries in these same fields for the Tax treatment.

  • This checkbox is not available for the Tax, AMT, state AMT, ACE, or state ACE treatments.

Section 179, Start-up/Org Expense

Mark this checkbox to make the Sec 179 Expense or Start-up/Org Expense field for the current treatment equal to the Sec 179 Expense or Start-up/Org Expense field for the Tax treatment.

  • This checkbox is not available for the Tax, AMT, state AMT, ACE, or state ACE treatments.

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