Set up treatments

To set up treatments or change the treatment columns that are available for data entry in the Depreciation tab of the Asset tab, follow these steps.

  1. Open a Fixed Assets project.
  2. Click the Settings button, then open the Treatments tab.

For a new custom or state treatment, click the button to access the Treatment Classification panel.

In the Calculation tab you can specify options about Mid-quarter application, vehicle limits, and bonus options.

In the Section 179 tab you can specify system limtis and set up overrides.

In the New Asset Defaults tab you can set whether you'd like the new data you enter in the Cost/Basis field; Method, Life and ADS Life; Salvage Value, Credit/Amount, Prior Depreciation and YTD Depreciation fields; Section 179, or the Start-up/Org Expense fields to be equal to the values in the Tax treatment.


  • If a treatment is not selected in the Treatments panel, the associated column either does not appear or is not available on the Depreciation tab.
  • The treatments you choose apply only to the open client.

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