Modifying templates for notification messages that are sent by DT Firm Portal

By default, DT Firm Portal sends notification messages to DT Client Portal and DT Staff Portal users when certain events occur; for example, DT Firm Portal sends a notification message when the login for a portal has changed. You can modify the standard text for the subject and body of the notification messages. You can also modify the sender name and sender email address for each notification message that will be sent via email.

  1. In the Admin tab of the navigation pane, click the Templates link in the Utilities section.

    Note: If you don't see this link, you don't have access to this area.

  2. The templates are sorted by category in the Notification > Templates list. Click a category to view a list of notification messages.
  3. Click the title of a notification template to view the template on the right.
  4. DT Firm Portal selects your firm's default language in the Language field when you open this screen. The changes that you make in this screen apply only to the selected language. You can select a different language from the Language field.


    • All field labels, button names, and so on will remain in the language that is selected for your entire portal. Only the text that you can edit changes to the language that you selected in the Language field.
    • We recommend that you complete all fields in the selected language before choosing a different language from the Language field.
    • You can give any DT Staff Portal user permission to edit this text. For information, see Giving administrative privileges to DT Staff Portal users.
  5. Specify how users should receive the notification message.
  6. If you set a global sender name and sender email address in Notification > Preferences or you entered addresses to copy or blind copy on all notification messages that are sent via email, do one of the following in the Addresses section.
    • To use the global information in this template, click Yes.
    • To enter a custom sender name, sender email address, and addresses to copy or blind copy for this notification message, click No and enter the appropriate information in the Sender Name field and the Sender Email field. Click the Add Cc link and the Add Bcc link to open fields in which you can enter email addresses.

      Note: To send copies or blind copies of the notification messages to multiple addresses, separate the addresses with spaces, commas, or semi-colons.

  7. In the Message section, modify the text in the Subject field and in the Body text area.
    • In the Body text area, use the toolbar buttons to format text and insert variables and links. Learn more about the toolbar for the text area.
    • Some of the text in the notification messages is inserted through variables, such as [USER LOGIN]. The Insert Variable drop-down list includes all variables that are available for the current template. Not all variables are available in all templates.
    • You must include at least one variable in most templates. Required variables appear in bold text in the Insert Variable drop-down list. DT Firm Portal will not allow you to save changes to a template unless all required variables are present.
    • To insert a variable in the Subject field, select the variable from the drop-down list. DT Firm Portal inserts the variable in the Body text area. You can then cut and paste the variable into the Subject field.
  8. Optional: In the Body text area, insert links to download the DT Client Portal mobile app. Click here to learn more.
  9. Click Enter.
  10. To preview the notification message, click the Preview button at the bottom of the screen. The preview displays the language that is selected in the Language field.
  11. To edit the message in a different language, select that language from the Language field and repeat steps 5 - 9.

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