Wage Projection dialog

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Use the Wage Projection dialog to project annual wage amounts for a taxpayer or spouse based on a year-to-date pay stub or single paycheck amount.

To open this dialog, click the Wage Projection button in the W-2 Information dialog.

Special information

Projecting wages from a year-to-date pay stub or single paycheck

Entering W-2 information from multiple employers or states

Fields & buttons

Click the frequency rate that reflects how often the taxpayer is paid.

To project wage amounts based on a year-to-date payment stub, click the Year to date option and enter the date of the statement in the Statement date field.

To project wage amounts based on a single payment, click the Single payment option.

Enter the wage and withholding amounts from the taxpayer's pay stub in these fields.

These are calculated fields based on the pay stub amounts entered and the number of remaining pay periods. These amounts will transfer to the corresponding fields in the W-2 Information dialog.

Note: You can enter a force amount in these fields if you do not want to use the calculated amounts. Your force entry will appear in red.

The fields in the Employment period group box default to January 1 and December 31 of the plan year. If the taxpayer worked for only a portion of the year, enter the beginning and ending dates of employment in this group box.

If you select the Year to date option in the Payment stub type group box, this calculated field shows the number of payments the taxpayer has received from the start of the employment period to the statement date. You may enter a different number if desired.

This calculated field shows the number of payments the taxpayer will receive over the course of the employment period. You may enter a different number if desired.

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