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Interactions are communications between your firm and various contacts — clients, prospective clients, and others such as attorneys or vendors.

If your firm is licensed for the Practice CS Client Management module, you can track these interactions in Practice CS, which in turn enables you to amass an archive of firm communications and print reports to analyze interactions with contacts, among other benefits.

The interactions that you can track in Practice CS include miscellaneous notes entered by staff, phone messages, phone calls, and email messages. These interactions are associated with the contacts with which they take place. A series of interactions with various contacts representing the same client can later be printed on reports that are grouped by client, to help you analyze all of your firm’s interactions with that client.

For each type of interaction, you can set up custom fields to track additional information.

See Setting up a contact to learn how to enter additional contacts for clients or enter standalone contacts for non-client entities.

For information on entering interactions, see the following topics.

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