Projects generated with the prior year version of UltraTax as the solution

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In order for the current version of UltraTax CS to be available as a project or task solution, both Practice CS and UltraTax CS must be up to date. If projects are generated before both programs are up to date, the solution will be set to the prior year version of UltraTax.

If projects generated with the prior year version of UltraTax CS, follow the steps below to assign the current year of UltraTax as the solution.

  1. Verify that Practice CS and UltraTax CS are up to date.
    • If the current year has not been released for Practice CS and/or UltraTax CS, you will need to wait for the release before continuing.
    • In Practice CS, choose Help > About Practice CS to verify the version installed. You can find the latest version and instructions on how to update in Practice CS: Current Version.
    • To install the current version of UltraTax CS, visit My Product Downloads.
  1. In Practice CS, choose Actions > Manage Projects.
  2. Filter and sort your list of projects as best you can to get all the projects that need updating together. You may need to filter and sort multiple ways and repeat this process.
  3. Select the projects that need to be edited by using SHIFT or CTRL to highlight multiple projects.
  4. Right-click the highlighted area and choose Edit Selected Projects.
  5. Choose Change Project information and click Next.
  6. Choose Solution as the field you would like to update and choose UltraTax CS 2019 as the solution.
  7. If desired, enter a Completion Event and an Extension Event.
  8. Click Finish and confirm the change by clicking Yes.


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