CS Professional Suite®

Help & How-To Center

Tax Worksheets

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Product support for ToolBox CS ended on October 31, 2022.

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Tax worksheets are used in the preparation of a tax return, and are typically found in tax preparation applications. Tax worksheets are organized by tax topic, and may accompany a tax return, answer questions regarding health care, track basis in a retirement account or business, or be used to quickly answer complex tax-related questions.

Special information

Some lines in some tax worksheets contain numeric footnotes. To view the footnote information:

  • Click in the nearest line or checkbox and press F5 to view footnote information. Click OK to exit.


  • Hover over the footnote number with your mouse.

Note: In some tax worksheets, the footnote information appears on the face of the worksheet.

List of Tax Worksheets

Please access the specific tax worksheet you need for additional information on its use.

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