1041 Iowa frequently asked questions

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New (tax) year, new help!

Fixed Assets and UltraTax CS 2023 help is now on Help and Support. We're still moving articles, but you can find most content for the 2023 tax year there. Continue using the Help & How-To Center for tax years 2022 and older.

Calculations & data entry

8801 tax credit carryover

Bankruptcy estate

Charitable Trust Annual Report and Registration Forms

Data entry for state tax law differences

Deduction for federal taxes paid

ESBT Income and Expense Worksheet

'Everywhere' income and source income

Form IA 1041-V Extension

Form 2848 Power of Attorney

Form IA 4562 Depreciation

Iowa vouchers 1040ES, 1040V, and 1041V

Interest and dividends

K-1 Bonus depreciation

Nonresident expenses

US obligations and out of state tax exempt income

Filing requirements

State electronic filing guide

Electronic filing - Iowa forms and payment options



Forms approval

There are two independent approval processes: one for electronic filing and one for paper filing. To find out the approval status, follow the steps below.

  1. Check the Iowa user bulletins to verify the highest version currently available.
  2. In UltraTax CS, go to Help > About UltraTax CS. Scroll down the list of licensed products and verify that the version you see here matches the highest version. If an update is required, go to CS Connect and retrieve and apply available updates.
  3. Once UltraTax is up to date, click the house icon in the upper-right corner of UltraTax to go to the UltraTax CS Home Page.
  4. Click the Product Information link on the left side of the home page, then click the 1041 tab, then click the plus sign next to the state.

For electronically filed returns, check the Supports e-file status. If the status is Yes, electronic filing is approved and returns can be e-filed.

For paper filing tax returns, check the Forms status. Any return that contains a form listed here should not be paper filed. However, returns that contain forms listed here can still be e-filed, as long as Supports e-file is Yes.

Related topic: 1041 frequently asked questions

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