Screen INGen - Indiana General Information (1040)

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Return Information

Salary, wage, tip, and commission received from IL, KY, MI, OH, PA, or WI (Force)

For residents, IL, KY, MI, OH, PA, and WI wages you enter in the federal W2 screen displays on Schedule 7. Use this field to override the calculated amount. This information is for reporting purposes only and does not affect the calculation of state or county income tax.

Authorization to Discuss with Taxing Authority

When authorized, the personal representative and contact information defaults to the preparer assigned to the return and the firm contact info. Use the fields to change the info reported on the return. Choose Setup > 1040 > Federal tab > New Return Options and in the Authorize discussion… field, choose Yes. See Third party designee for preparers.

Personal representative information: Foreign province code, Foreign country code

If the personal representative has a foreign address you must enter the entire address, including Foreign province code and foreign country code, in the electronic file.

County Tax

County of residence

Choose the county or state where the taxpayer lived as of January 1, 2018. Use code 00 if the taxpayer lived in a state other than Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin or if an Indiana resident is a qualified military personnel.

County of employment (As of January 1, 2018)

Choose the county or state where the taxpayer worked as of January 1, 2018. If the taxpayer worked in a state other than Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin, use code 00. See County tax (CT-40, CT-40PNR).

Principal employment income (Force)

Principal employment income defaults to Indiana wage income on Form W2, Box 16 (not 18) plus federal Schedule C income. Use this field to override the calculated amount.

Principal employment income is from wages earned while resident of KY, MI, OH, PA, or WI

These fields apply only to part-year and nonresident taxpayers who are filing Form IT-40PNR instead of Form IT-40RNR. When you mark these fields, county exemptions are disallowed on Form CT-40PNR. If you leave these fields blank, the proration percentage from Schedule A is applied to the county exemptions shown on Form CT-40PNR.

Kentucky income from Breckenridge, Hancock or Meade

Enter income from the Kentucky counties of Breckenridge, Hancock, or Meade to calculate the county tax. This applies only to taxpayers taxed at the Perry County Resident rate.

Exemption allocation (Force)

County exemptions for dependents, additional children, 65 or blind, and low-income optimize between taxpayer and spouse automatically. You can enter different amounts here.

Deductions to income taxable to county of employment (Force)

Federal data entry, amounts from the Indiana AGI Worksheet, and amounts from the INAdj screen calculate the allowable deductions to county income on Form IT-40RNR or Section 2 of Schedules CT-40 and CT-40PNR. You can enter different amounts here.

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