Screen INCr - Indiana Credits (1040)

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Refundable Credits

Return does not qualify for Unified Tax Credit for the Elderly

The date of birth, date of death, income, residency status, and date you file the return determines the allowable Unified Tax Credit for the Elderly, if any. If other factors preclude the taxpayer from qualifying for the credit, mark this field to suppress the calculation of the Unified Tax Credit.

Lake County property tax credit (Force)

Amounts which include both Code 1 (Principal residence) and State Use code 1 (Payment qualifies for Lake County property tax credit) in the Real estate statement on the federal A screen determines qualifying payments for the Lake County property tax credit. Use this field to force the amount.

Earned Income Credit

Earned income credit qualifying children

This information determines if a child qualifies for the Indiana EIC. Dependents you enter on the federal 1040 screen transfer here. The Relation options are different in this statement so you will need to select a code. You may need to adjust the actual number of months in home if the Mths Home column has code 77 or 88 because the default is 12.

Child lived with you (Force)

The available dependent information determines if a child lived with you. Use this field to force Yes or No.

Elect to include nontaxable combat pay in earned income

Nontaxable combat pay may increase or decrease the amount of Indiana earned income credit. Mark this box if the taxpayer elects to include nontaxable combat pay in earned income.

One of the following conditions applies (Force)

The federal information determines if any of the conditions exist on Form IT-EIC, Step 2, Question 4. Use this field to enter a different.

Nonrefundable Credits

Income taxed by non-Indiana locality (Force)

The Indiana Credit for Local Taxes Paid Outside Indiana Worksheet uses local wages you enter in Box 18 on the federal W2 screen that have State Use code 18. Use these fields to force the taxpayer and spouse amounts of income taxed by non-Indiana locality used on the worksheet.

Local taxes paid outside Indiana (Force)

The Indiana Credit for Local Taxes Paid Outside Indiana Worksheet uses information from the federal W2 screen and Form IT-40/IT-40PNR. Enter an amount here to suppress the default calculations on the worksheet.

Community Revitalization Enhancement District credit

Enter the full amount of the Community Revitalization Enhancement District Credit. Amounts to offset local and state liabilities allocate automatically.

Public School Educator Expense Credit

Amounts with IN postal code and State Use code 1 entered in the Educator expenses statement on the federal OtherAdj screen copies here. Enter any qualifying expenses you did not enter at the federal level. Information in this statement calculates the Public School Education Expense Credit for Schedule 6 or Schedule G.

Other credits

Enter the nonrefundable credit amount to report on the return. Information in this statement is used for Schedule 6, Schedule G, and Schedule IN-OCC.

Schedule CC-40 credit

Use either the Contributions by cash or check or Noncash contributions statement in the federal A screen to enter current-year contributions, including Date, State Use code 24, and applicable 4-digit State Institution Code.

For contributions entered elsewhere, such as K-1 activity or the federal 8283P1 screen, enter complete information here.

Federal adoption credit

Information proformas to these fields from prior year federal Form 8839. These fields along with information from Form 8839 are used in the calculation of the Indiana Adoption Credit Worksheet.

Credit Recapture

Indiana CollegeChoice 529 Education Savings Plan - Credit Recapture

Use this statement to recapture all or a part of any prior year tax credit allowed due to a non-qualified distribution from a CollegeChoice 529 educational savings plan. Information you enter here reports on Schedule IN-529R.

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