1040 Indiana frequently asked questions

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New (tax) year, new help!

Fixed Assets and UltraTax CS 2023 help is now on Help and Support. We're still moving articles, but you can find most content for the 2023 tax year there. Continue using the Help & How-To Center for tax years 2022 and older.

See also: 2022 Indiana user bulletins

General information

Allocation and apportionment (IT-40PNRA)

County tax (CT-40, CT-40PNR)

Enter a foreign address

Form IT-40RNR (Reciprocal non-resident return, County tax)



Municipal (Tax-exempt) interest

Nonconformity with Internal Revenue Code

Section 179 expense


Automatic taxpayer refund credit for 2022

Credit for taxes paid to other states

Nonrefundable credit - Order used and carryforward

Public School Education Expense credit

Schedule IN-529 - Education Savings Plan Credit


Long-term care policy premiums deduction

Military service deduction

Private or home school deduction

Electronic Filing

State Electronic Filing Guide

Electronic filing - Indiana forms

Electronic filing error codes

Form IN-OPT (Paper filer)

Personal Identification Number (PIN)

Withholding - Pass-through Entity (Schedule INK1)

Withholding - W-2/W-2G/1099-R/1099-MISC Detail

Withholding - W2G local withholding


Form IT-40ES Estimate vouchers / Mailing address


Extension overview

Preparing the extension

Forms approval

Viewing forms approval status

Net Operating Loss

Net operating loss (NOL) overview

Net Operating Loss - Current Year Loss

Calculating a current year Indiana NOL

Carrying over a current year NOL

Current year NOL for part-year/nonresident

Ignoring NOL generated in current year when there is taxable income

Net Operating Loss - Deduction for Prior Year Loss

NOL deduction - Applying prior year NOL to current year income

NOL deduction - Taxpayer and spouse amounts

NOL deduction for part-year/nonresidents

Proforma prior year information to current year


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