Proforma process overview

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Web text: utproforma

You can use the proforma utility to transfer client data, customized documents, print collations, and data-entry display settings from a prior-year application into the current-year version of UltraTax CS. You can proforma these items at any time and can proforma multiple items at once. Some application settings are carried over automatically when you install the current-year application for the first time.

Note: Before you proforma client data or other items from the prior-year version of UltraTax CS, be sure to configure application-specific options.

Information to proforma manually

You can choose to proforma client data, customized documents, print collations, and data-entry display settings from the prior-year application. For details about transferring specific information, see the following topics.

Note: Before you proforma client data or other information, verify the location of the prior-year application and data.

Note: For help troubleshooting proforma issues, see the proforma FAQs.

Settings that roll over automatically each year

The following common UltraTax CS configuration settings and customized items are automatically imported into the current-year application during installation.

  • Firm information, such as the firm's email address, Electronic Filing Identification Number, and preparer, reviewer, and staff records
  • The master password defined by your firm
  • Security settings, including user groups and privileges
  • Client status events defined by your firm
  • Multi-address TINs entered for data sharing
  • Custom statements and custom fieldviews
  • Custom watermarks for client documents
  • Invoice pricing
  • User preferences settings

Note: For details on setting up these items, see the Configuring UltraTax CS after renewing the application topic.

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