Reviewing diagnostic messages

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UltraTax CS provides diagnostic messages that warn you of any incorrect data and/or additional information that is needed on the return. There are several ways to view diagnostic messages.

  • Click the Diagnostics Diagnostics button button.
  • Select View > Diagnostics.
  • Press CTRL+D.

When you use any of these methods, a list of diagnostic messages appears in a small window with several tabs showing, in the right pane of the open client, or in the bottom pane of the open client, based on the settings specified in the Windows > Display Settings dialog. (The tabs or sections contained in the Diagnostic window will change based on the data entered in the return.)

The floating window is displayed on top of the screen and stays open even when you switch between input screen and form view. You can resize the window or move it to a different location on the screen or to a different monitor. To close it at any time, click the close button in the window's title bar. If you choose to display diagnostics in the right or bottom pane, the screen changes slightly to accommodate the diagnostics. Close the diagnostics as you would close the floating window.

  • Click a message to go directly to the input screen field that pertains to the message.
  • Because the return is recalculated and the diagnostics updated each time you enter data in an input screen or form, the diagnostic messages are always current.

Tab sections on the Diagnostics window

  • Critical: This tab lists important diagnostic messages to inform you of missing data or other issues that could significantly impact the accuracy of the return. These diagnostics should be addressed prior to submitting the return.
  • ELF Critical: This tab lists diagnostic messages that must be addressed before the electronic file will be created. Note that you will only see this tab in the Diagnostic window if the return has been marked to be electronically filed.
  • Overrides: The Overrides tab lists all overrides present on the return, along with the forms containing the overrides. It displays the overridden amount, text, or "none" if the override deleted the existing data. Note that you will only see this tab in the Diagnostic window when overrides exist on the return.
  • FYI: This tab lists diagnostic messages that point out noteworthy issues in the return, but don't necessarily require action on the part of the preparer. To move these diagnostics to the Acknowledged list at the bottom of the window, right-click a highlighted diagnostic and choose Acknowledge. This tab also contains any force field that has data entry. You can disable specific FYI diagnostic messages via the Setup > Office Configuration > Diagnostics tab, and these selections will automatically proforma each year. 
  • Forms Approval: The Forms Approval tab displays any form included in the current return that has yet to be approved by the appropriate taxing authority. Note that you will only see this tab in the Diagnostic window if the current return contains a form that has not been approved.
  • Tickmarks: The Tickmarks tab lists any form or input screen that has a field with a tick mark and the current tick data, as well as the prior-tick data. Note that you will only see this tab in the Diagnostic window if tick marks exist and the data has changed since the tick mark was attached.
  • Watch: This tab lists key values in the return, and can be used to track changes to those values. After freezing the Watch tab, any changes to the values in the watched fields will be highlighted in red on the Watch tab. You also can customize the list of watched fields on this tab by adding or modifying watched fields.
  • To Do: This tab lists all Missing Data, Event To Do, and Impromptu To Do items attached to the current return. To move an Impromptu To Do item to the Acknowledged list at the bottom of this window, highlight it, then right-click and choose Acknowledge. To edit the highlighted Impromptu To Do item, right-click and choose Edit To Do.
  • Complexity: If the Display the Client Complexity factor checkbox is marked on the Setup > User Preferences > Misc tab, the Complexity section of the Diagnostics list includes client complexity values for the tax forms and schedules that comprise the open client's return. UltraTax CS uses these values to calculate the Client Complexity factor assigned to that client. The application includes default client complexity values, but these values can be customized via the Setup > [Entity] > Client Complexity dialog.
  • Input Screen Overrules: This tab lists all overruled amounts on input screens. UltraTax CS displays overruled amounts that you have not acknowledged at the top of the list, followed by acknowledged overruled amounts. Note that this tab only appears if the current return contains overruled amounts.

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