Using transaction templates to create payable and credit memo transactions

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When you set up an on demand transaction template in the Setup > Payable Templates screen, you can select that template at any time to have Accounting CS create a payable or credit memo using the information in the template record as default information for the transaction.

  1. Choose Actions > Enter Payables.
  2. In either of the following fields, select the template to use to create a transaction. The drop-down lists in these fields include all templates that were set up in the Setup > Payable Templates screen with an On demand frequency.
    • Temp/Amort field in the Detail tab.
    • Template field in the Rapid tab.

      Note: To display this field, you must clear the Hide Column checkbox for the Template entry field in the Edit > Options dialog.

  3. Accounting CS enters default information from the template. Enter information in any applicable blank fields, and/or modify any information that was entered from the template record.
  4. Click Enter to save the transaction.

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