Introducing Accounting CS Client Access to your clients

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If you feel that your clients can benefit from the many advantages of using Accounting CS in their businesses, we offer several resources to help your firm showcase Accounting CS Client Access. You can customize these resources to complement your firm’s unique service offerings. You can also demonstrate the power and benefits of using the application that you use in your own firm by setting up a demonstration portal, free of charge and risk free.

Marketing resources

  • Accounting CS Client Access video. Share this video with your clients to show them the advantages of using Accounting CS in their businesses. Many firms choose to put the video on their own websites for clients to see.
  • Accounting CS client marketing flyer. Print the flyer in your own office and send it to your clients. The flyer lists many of the features and advantages of Accounting CS Client Access.

    Note: The flyer is formatted as a double-sided, 3" x 11" color document. If you print it on standard 8.5" x 11" paper, it looks best if you trim it to the intended size.

  • Accounting CS client marketing materials order form. Save time and printing costs by ordering the Accounting CS client marketing flyers in packages of 50, printed in color and trimmed and ready to send to your clients.
  • Accounting CS PowerPoint presentation. Customize this PowerPoint presentation by entering your firm name and contact information in the appropriate places (indicated by green bracketed text), and then share the presentation with your clients as if you created it yourself!
  • Employee Self-Serivce basics video. Share this video with your clients to show them an Employee Self-Service portal from the employee's perspective. You can also provide your client with a link to the video so that they can educate their staff and new employees on this convenient benefit.

Sample clients

If you would like to show your clients the powerful features of Accounting CS and demonstrate how it can help them with the bookkeeping and payroll tasks in their businesses, you can set up a sample client using any of the following methods.

Help & How-To Center

Our Help & How-To Center offers quick access to the information you need while using Accounting CS. From this one location, you can find details on new features, procedures for completing tasks, tips for increasing productivity or troubleshooting issues, alerts about timely issues, and more. Here are just a few help topics that will help you set up a sample client.

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