Enrolling clients for Michigan electronic filing

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For payroll compliance (annually licensed)

You can file Michigan unemployment insurance either as an Employer Representative (filing for each client individually) or as a Third-Party Administrator (filing for multiple clients using a bulk file format). The latter method requires that you upload a Power of Attorney file to the State of Michigan, to let them know which clients' files you will manage.

To enroll your clients for e-filing as a third-party administrator, follow these steps.

  1. Set up a Third-Party Administrator account with the Michigan Web Account Manager (MiWAM) online at www.michigan.gov/uia.
  2. Choose Actions > Enroll > Michigan Electronic Filing. In the Enroll > Michigan e-Enrollment screen, all Michigan clients who are not currently enrolled for Michigan electronic filing (all clients that do not have the Enrolled in e-Filing checkbox marked in the Michigan Additional Information dialog are listed in the Enrollment grid.
  3. Using the filtering fields, filter the clients as necessary to limit the number of clients in the grid to those you want to enroll currently.
  4. Make sure that Add Clients, the default option, is chosen as the current Action.
  5. In the Enrollment grid, mark the checkboxes next to the clients you want to enroll.
  6. In the POA Beginning and POA Ending columns, enter the dates for the Power of Attorney to begin and end. These dates are used within the enrollment file and are required.
  7. For each client in the grid, choose Yes or No in the enrollment option grid columns to specify what functions your firm will handle for the client and whether or not your firm will have power of attorney over a function for that client. The options/columns are as follows.
    • Account Maintenance. Defaults to No.
    • Tax Issues and Assessments. Defaults to No.
    • POA: Confidential Info. Defaults to Yes.
    • POA: Oral/Written Comm. Defaults to Yes.
    • POA: Sign Returns. Defaults to Yes.
    • POA: Agreements. Defaults to No.
    • POA: Receive Tax Forms. Defaults to No.

    Note: Some of the enrollment options within the file default to Yes or No and cannot be modified from the application. Those fields are as follows.

    • Unemployment Insurance Agency (UIA) account number. The application enters the client's Unemployment ID.
    • FEIN. The application enters the client's FEIN.
    • Reports and Payments. Defaults to Yes.
    • Benefit Services. Defaults to No.
    • Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC). Defaults to No.
    • WOTC Begin Date. Defaults to blank-filled.
    • WOTC End Date. Defaults to blank-filled.
    • Receives Claims Control Forms. Defaults to No.
    • Receives Contested Claims Forms. Defaults to No.
  8. Click the Create button to create enrollment files for the selected clients.
  9. Once the files have been created, you can preview the files in either Agency or Report format, recreate selected files, or delete selected files by clicking the Manage e-Enrollment button and using the Manage e-Enrollment Files dialog.
  10. The files are stored in the file location listed at the bottom of the Michigan e-Enrollment screen. If you want to modify the file location, choose Setup > File Locations and modify the path in the Electronic/Internet/Magnetic field in the File Creation tab.

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