Assigning staff to a new engagement

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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Assign specific staff members in the New Engagement wizard (New Engagement - Staff Assignment).

  1. Add the names of each staff member in the Staff Name column of the Staff Assignment window of the New Engagement wizard.

    Note: The Staff ID column displays the Staff IDs that are entered on the Staff tab of the Setup > System Configuration > Administration dialog during global setup, and are part of the group or groups that have access privileges to Engagement CS. (See Setting up group and staff privileges for users of Engagement CS.)

  2. Click the drop-down list in the Type field to choose the signoff type for each staff member working on the current engagement. You can select from a list of five options:
    • Type 1 - Preparer
    • Type 2 - Reviewer
    • Type 3 - (user defined)
    • Type 4 - (user defined)
    • Type 5 - (user defined)


  • The signoff types are globally defined in the Setup > System Configuration > Signoff Types dialog. The default signoff type for all new staff members is Preparer.
  • To delete a staff member in the grid highlight the row number, press the DELETE key on your keyboard, and then clicking the Yes button on the confirmation dialog when prompted.

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