Setting up properties for a new engagement

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Product support for the Creative Solutions Accounting platform ended on September 30, 2020.

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Set up the properties of the engagement in the New Engagement wizard (New Engagement - Properties).

  1. Enter the following information on the Properties page of the New Engagement wizard.
    • Name. Displays next to the document icon in the Tree View window, and also on the General tab of the File > Engagement Properties dialog (required field up to 75 alphanumeric characters in length).
    • Description. Displays (if entered) on the General tab of the File > Engagement Properties dialog (required field up to 75 alphanumeric characters in length).
    • Engagement period ending date. Used to determine the dates used in the current engagement for Excel workpapers, printing reports, financial statements, and so forth. This date automatically defaults to the current period ending date for the General Ledger period, but can be changed.
    • Number of years of balances to use. Defaults to 2 years. Select the number of years of balances to have available in the current engagement. This number cannot exceed the number of Years of balances to save on the General tab or the Trial Balance tab of the Client Properties dialog in CSA.
    • Processing Period. Displays the period selected in the Client Properties dialog in CSA.
    • Begin Date. This field is displayed on the General tab of the File > Engagement Properties dialog. You can click the calendar button to right of the date field to select another date.
    • End Date. This field is displayed on the General tab of the File > Engagement Properties dialog. You can click the calendar button to right of the date field to select another date.
    • Audit Documentation Dates.

      The following options enable you to indicate whether the engagement is a public or a non-public audit and to enter a report release date. That information is then used to display a reminder when the 45- or 60-day documentation completion date deadline is approaching and the engagement must be wrapped up.

      • Audit engagement. Mark this checkbox to indicate that the engagement is an audit engagement.
      • Public entity. Mark this checkbox to indicate if the engagement is an audit engagement for a public entity (This checkbox is only available when the Audit engagement checkbox is marked). Leave this checkbox cleared if the engagement is for a nonpublic entity.
      • Report Release Date. Enter the date when permission was granted to the client to use the auditor's report in connection with the financial statements.
  2. Click the Next button to advance to the Staff Assignment page of the New Engagement wizard.

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Adding a new engagement

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Assigning workpapers in a new engagement

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