GoFileRoom Release User Bulletin, 21 March 2022

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We've updated the Home page dashboard with several changes to optimize performance. In result, you and your staff should experience quicker load times upon initial entry and less delays (wheel spinning) when navigating to this area. In addition, we have corrected the My Recent Documents to now properly display and load in certain situations where it was displaying empty.


  • We've made improvements to the GoFileRoom sign-in experience, allowing for keyboard navigation, and helping to avoid dependencies on mouse movement. If an invalid username is entered, the cursor focus will return to the field so that it can be corrected. In addition, the Tab and Enter buttons provide a more intuitive process through the sign-in steps.

SurePrep integration

We've optimized the SurePrep and GoFileRoom integration to provide increased reliability in cases of larger client file integrations. Certain situations previously generated a timeout error.

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