Areas affected by multi-office security settings

Access to certain areas of DT Practice can be restricted for staff members in other offices by enabling multi-office security. Security privileges are determined by the office to which the staff member, client, or engagement is assigned (when applicable).

The following areas can be controlled with multi-office security. They are listed here in the order in which they appear on the Security Groups setup screen.

Menu > File Menu

Print Reports

See the topics for each of these reports for more information on security privilege dependencies.

Print Invoices & Statements
  • Invoices
  • Statements


  • Invoices inherit the office of the staff member who creates the invoice. Staff can be given security to print invoices that were created by staff that are assigned the same office as their own, other offices, or both.
  • Statements inherit the office of the client. Staff can be given security to print statements for clients that are assigned the same office as their own, other offices, or both.

Menu > View Menu

Firm Dashboard

The following portlets on the Firm Dashboard are affected by multi-office security settings. See the topics for each of these portlets for more information on security privilege dependencies.

Client Dashboard

The following portlets on the Client Dashboard are affected by multi-office security settings. See the topics for each of these portlets for information on security privilege dependencies.

Menu > Actions Menu

Receipt & Adjustment Entry
  • Enter Receipts & Adjustments
  • Approve or Post Receipts & Adjustments (View)
Assess Service Charges
  • Assess

Menu > Setup menu

  • View
  • Add
  • Edit
  • Delete
  • View
  • Add
  • Edit
  • Delete
  • Projects Tab (Add, Edit, Delete, Tasks Tab)


Client Data
  • View
  • Add
  • Edit
  • Delete
  • Merge
  • Audit History
Contact Data
  • Client Contacts (View, Edit)
  • Staff Contacts (View, Edit)
File Transfers Data
  • View
  • Send
  • Delete
Invoice Data
  • View
  • Bill
  • Approve or Post Invoices
  • Print


  • Time and expense entries are available for billing when the current staff member has security privileges to bill the engagement to which the entries are associated.
  • Invoices inherit the office of the staff member who creates the invoice.
Receipt & Adjustment Data
  • View
  • Enter Receipts & Adjustments
  • Approve or Post Receipts & Adjustments
Schedule Item Data: Project Data
  • View
  • Add
  • Edit
  • Delete
  • Task Data (Add, Edit, Delete)
Service Charge Data


Staff Calendar Data


Staff Data
  • View
  • Add
  • Edit
  • Delete
  • Staff Benefit Data (View, Adjust, Comp Time Data)
Staff Location Data
  • View
  • Update
Statement Data


Time & Expense Data
  • View
  • Enter Time & Expenses
  • Approve or Post Time & Expenses
  • Audit History

Note: Staff can be given security to view, enter, or review time and expenses for other staff that are assigned the same office as they are, different offices, or both. However, you cannot prevent staff from viewing, entering, or review time and expense entries according to the office they are assigned to.

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