CS Professional Suite®

Help & How-To Center

Tax Flowcharts

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Product support for ToolBox CS ended on October 31, 2022.

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Tax flowcharts are visual aids that can help you explain why a particular course of action was taken. Most of the tax flowcharts in the application come directly from IRS publications.

Important! 2018 ToolBox CS flowcharts previously released with version 2017.1.0 that are known to be affected by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will contain a suffix “pre – TCJA” to help identify them.

You can answer the flowchart questions in the following ways:

  • Choose Edit, and then choose Yes, No, or Back from the menu.
  • Click the Yes button Yes button, the No button No button, or the Back button Back button in the toolbar.
  • Press CTRL+Y for Yes, CTRL+A for No, or CTRL+B for Back.


Your client has arranged for a family member to move in and help him out with living expenses. Your client wants to know if he can claim the family member as a dependent on the next tax return. In this case, you would create a new Dependency Exemption flowchart, answer the questions in the flowchart, and then show and discuss the results with your client.


  • Tax flowcharts are grouped according to the calendar year in which they apply. These groupings appear in the Navigation pane when you click the Tax Flowcharts button.
  • Tax flowcharts may be previewed, printed, and saved. See Printing an item and Saving an item to a client for more information.

Working with Tax flowcharts

For details on working with tax flowcharts, see the following topics.

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