Frequently asked questions

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Accessing local files

Yes, if you're running the application through Virtual Office CS or Software as a Service (SaaS), you can navigate to files on your local network.

Yes, if you're running the application through Virtual Office CS or Software as a Service (SaaS), you can navigate to files on your local network.

Changing the font size to correct issues with button displays

Buttons may not appear correctly in certain screens of the application if the font setting in your Windows operating system has been changed from the (recommended) default setting. To revert to the default font setting, complete the steps that pertain to your Windows operating system.

Windows 8

  1. Right-click on the desktop and choose Personalize.
  2. Click the Display link (in the lower-left corner of the screen).
  3. Click the Smaller - 100% (default) option and then click Apply to save your settings.
  4. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Windows 10

  1. Right-click on the desktop and choose Display Settings.
  2. Use the slider to change the size of text, app, and other items to 100% (150% is the default). Dragging the slider to right increases the size, while dragging it to the left decreases the size.
  3. Click the Apply button to save your settings.

Using date shortcuts in Accounting CS

Accounting CS enables you to use several date shortcuts when entering dates throughout the application.

Note: When you enter transactions in the Enter Transactions screen, the application uses the dates selected in the Transaction date and Payroll check date fields in the Data Entry Defaults section of the Enter Transactions Options dialog as the current date. Therefore, if you enter a two- or three-digit number in the date field, the application automatically fills in the month and year of selected date option instead of the month and year of the system date. If you select different dates for the Transaction date and Payroll date, the application uses the date for the first transaction you save as the current date.

Example: Today's date is 11/06/12.

  • The selected transaction date option is Current period end date and the current period end date is 09/30/12. If you enter 14 in the Date field and then move to the next field, the application populates the Date field with 9/14/2012.
  • The selected date option is System date. If you enter 14 in the Date field, the application populates the Date field with 11/14/12.

Using transaction templates

If an inactive bank account is selected for a scheduled deposit template, the application will prompt you with the Create Scheduled Transactions from Templates dialog even if you did not mark the Prompt before creating transaction(s) checkbox in the Transaction Templates > Schedule tab. You must select a valid active bank account for each transaction before the application can create the transactions.

For information on scheduled transaction templates, see Setting up scheduled deposit transactions.


See Frequently asked questions - Payroll

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