Bank Feeds overview

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The Accounting CS Bank Feeds feature enables you to import bank transactions directly from a client’s financial account (such as a checking account, savings account, other bank account, or credit card account) into Accounting CS. This can save time and increase productivity during data entry and bank account reconciliation, and it gives you real-time access to the transactional data that impacts your client’s financial accounts. Each client can link an unlimited number of financial accounts to Accounting CS for Bank Feeds.


  • Service fees may apply when you use the Bank Feeds feature for your clients.
    • For clients who use Accounting CS Client Access: There are no additional fees for you to use the Bank Feeds feature for their accounts.
    • For clients who don't use Accounting CS Client Access: We will waive the fee for the first three clients you enroll. After you have enrolled three clients, there is a monthly fee for each client for whom you use the Bank Feeds feature.
  • Before you can begin using bank feeds for your client, you must have a method of payment on file designated for Web Services.

Setting up bank feeds

Linking or updating financial accounts

Not sure if your financial institution is available? Look it up here.

Using your CS Professional Suite or Onvio login to access Accounting CS Bank Feeds (Firms licensed for NetFirm CS only)

Bank Feeds Dashboard

Bank Feeds Dashboard

Bank Feeds portlet

Bank Account Details portlet

Bank Feeds Overview portlet

Bank Feeds procedures

Importing transactions from a financial institution

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Internal only

See Internal: Bank Feeds billing and licensing for more information.