Bank Feeds - Bank Feeds portlet

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Use the Bank Feeds portlet to review and modify transactions that you have retrieved from the financial institution (either directly or from a statement file downloaded from the financial institution) and to approve the specific transactions to import into Accounting CS

  1. Open the Bank Feeds Dashboard and then click the view that contains the Bank Feeds portlet.
  2. Verify that the correct client is selected.
  3. Select the applicable bank account and then click the Retrieve Data button.

Fields & buttons

Use the Search and filter fields to limit the number of transactions listed in the grid.

Select the client whose transactions you want to retrieve.

After you select a client, Accounting CS populates the drop-down list for the Bank Account field with your client's financial accounts. Select the one for which you want to retrieve transactions.

After you select the client and account, click this button to retrieve transactions for that account. The application connects to the financial institution and retrieves (but does not yet import) any transactions that were not previously retrieved.

To import data from a statement file downloaded from the financial institution, click this link. The Import Statement File dialog opens for you to select a file containing the transactions to import.

This is particularly helpful if the financial institution does not support direct import through the Bank Feeds feature or if you need to retrieve historical transactions that are outside the dates supported by the Bank Feeds feature.

To import data for a specific date range, click this link. The Custom Range Date dialog opens for you to specify a date range for the transactions to import. Accounting CS will import only the transactions that are dated in within that range.

  • This grid displays information about the transactions that were retrieved directly from the financial account or from a statement file that was downloaded from the financial institution. If a retrieved transaction matches an existing Accounting CS transaction, the application displays Match in the Status column and disables the row. When you select a transaction in this grid and Accounting CS has a match, it lists the matching transaction in the Matching Transaction grid below.
  • You can modify the information in the Reference, Description, Type, Vendor, and GL Account columns for any unmatched transaction. You can also modify distributions for those transactions by clicking the Ellipsis button to open the Transaction Distributions dialog.
  • To include a transaction in the import, mark the checkbox in the Approve column. The application displays Import in the Status column and, when you click the Approve button, it imports the selected transactions from the financial account and marks the transactions as cleared for bank reconciliation.
  • To delete an unmatched transaction that has been retrieved, click the Delete button. The next time you click the Retrieve Data button, Accounting CS will not retrieve that transaction. However, if you retrieve data via the Custom Date Range dialog, the application will retrieve that transaction.
  • You can right-click any transaction and choose Add Rule to open the Rules dialog, where you can define rules to automatically assign a specific value to the reference, description, type, vendor, 1099 item, and/or GL account for retrieved transactions that meet the criteria you specify.

    If you right-click a transaction for which a rule has already been applied, you can choose Edit Rule to open the Rules dialog so that you can modify that rule (or any of the rules set up for the selected client), or you can choose Delete Rule to delete the rule that has been applied to the selected transaction.

    Note: When you add, edit, or delete a rule, the application does not apply those changes to any retrieved transactions that have been saved.

This grid displays the existing Accounting CS transaction that matches the retrieved transaction selected in the Retrieved Transactions grid above. The application determines matches as follows.

  1. Accounting CS compares the reference and amount for each retrieved transaction against the reference and amount for existing Accounting CS transactions. If it finds a match, it lists that transaction in this grid.
  2. Accounting CS compares the amount and date for each remaining retrieved transaction against the amount and date for existing Accounting CS transactions. By default, the application compares the date of the existing transactions with dates that are within three days of the retrieved transaction. However, you can change the number of days for comparison in the Bank Feeds Options dialog. This ensures that Accounting CS matches more deposits, debits, and credit card transactions.

To see the original transaction record for the selected transaction, click the Go To Source button. Accounting CS opens the transaction in the Actions > Enter Transactions screen.

If the transaction is not a true match, click the Unmatch button. That transaction will then be listed in the Retrieved Transactions grid above, and you can mark it to be included with the import.

To set up Accounting CS to automatically assign a specific value to the reference, description, type, vendor, 1099 item, and/or GL account for retrieved transactions that meet the criteria you define, click this link to open the Rules dialog, where you can define the conditions and actions for these rules.

The next time you retrieve transactions, the application applies the rule to any retrieved transactions that have not yet been saved.

To specify the default journal and description to use for imported transactions and to specify the number of days to search before and after the transaction date when matching transactions, click this link to open the Bank Feeds Options dialog.

To save any changes you've made without finalizing the import, click this button. You or another staff member who has access to this account can return to this portlet at any time to complete the import.

After you have selected the transactions to import into Accounting CS, click this button to initiate the import. The application imports the transactions and makes them available in the Actions > Enter Transactions screen and the Actions > Reconcile Bank Accounts screen.

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