Creating a consolidated master client record

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The application enables you to consolidate data from multiple clients into a single master client record. You can use consolidated client data for reporting purposes and for making cross-company comparisons. Follow these steps to create a consolidated master client record. Note that you must create a new client record for each consolidated master client. The application does not allow you to change an existing client to a master client. And once a client record is created as a master client, you cannot change it to a regular client.

  1. Choose Setup > Clients, and then click the Add button.
  2. In the Add Client dialog, enter the applicable information in the Identification and Address sections.
  3. In the Services section, mark the Accounting checkbox and/or the Workpapers checkbox.

    Note: Do not mark either of the Payroll checkboxes. The consolidation feature is not available if either of those checkboxes is marked.

  4. In the Consolidation section, mark the Master client checkbox.
  5. Click the Add button to create the consolidation client record.


  • You cannot set up clients who use Accounting CS Client Access as master clients, and you cannot consolidate data for a master client into another master client.
  • After you create a client record, you cannot change the master client status of that client. All master clients remain master clients; all non-master clients remain non-master clients.
  • The option to create a master client is unavailable if other services are selected for the client.
  • You can add or remove subsidiaries from the master client data in the Consolidate Clients screen.

Limited functionality in a consolidated master client

Some of the application's functionality is more limited for master clients than it is for regular clients.

Screen or dialog Limitation
Actions > Enter Transactions and
Setup > Transaction Templates
Only the Journal entry transaction type is available. The subtypes available include Eliminating journal entries, Potential journal entries, and Tax adjustments.
Enter Transactions Options The following fields are limited.
  • Data entry method - set to Journal and grayed out
  • Bank account - unavailable
  • Type - set to Journal Entry and grayed out
  • Fields to Skip - Bank account and Sales are marked and grayed out; Period end, Frequency, and Period begin are unavailable
  • Distribution Columns to Skip - 1099 and 1099 Details are marked and grayed out
Balance Definitions dialog Because the journal entry types are limited for master clients, and because it is best to round balances in the subsidiary clients prior to consolidating, this dialog not available.
View Maintenance The Eliminating JE Amount type is available for Amount column types. However, the following Amount types are not available.
  • Report
  • Other
  • Adjusting JE
  • Reclassifying JE
  • Other JE
Change Posting Period The application does not carry balances forward during the year-end close for master clients because when you consolidate client data in the new year, the balances come from the subsidiary clients.

The application automatically consolidates beginning balances during the consolidation process, so it does not roll forward or zero out balances during year-end close. Therefore, the Zero account balances checkbox is marked and grayed out. The Close accounts by individual segments checkbox is also cleared and grayed out.

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