Transactions missing from the Enter Transactions screen

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There are a number of reasons why transactions may be missing from the Enter Transactions screen. Use the following information to determine what may be causing transactions not to display.

A filter or search has been applied

In the upper-left corner of the Enter Transactions window, you can remove any searching or filtering criteria that may be preventing transactions from displaying. Clear the Search and Filter fields by clicking the Delete delete button button in each field.

See also: Searching and filtering data

A different journal or posting period is selected

In Journal mode, the application displays transactions for the journal and posting period selected in the upper-right corner of the screen. If the client currently selected has multiple journals, click the Delete delete button button in the Journal field to view transactions for all of the client's journals for that posting period, or use the drop-down to view a single journal's transactions for the selected posting period.

If you use multiple journals and have multiple posting periods, you must clear both filters in order to see all transactions. If only the journal filter is cleared, you will still see transactions from a single posting period. If only the posting period filter is cleared, you will still see transactions from a single journal.

To see transactions from any posting period, click the Delete delete button button in the Posting Period field. You can also use the drop-down to view transactions from a single posting period.

Note: To filter to prior year posting periods, you may need to change the client's posting period first to make those available.

A different bank account is selected

In Bank Account mode, the application displays transactions for the bank account selected in the upper-right corner of the screen. If the current client has multiple bank accounts, click the Delete delete button button in the Bank Account field to view transactions for all of the client's bank accounts, or use the drop-down to view transactions for a single bank account.

The transactions were entered for a different client

If the transactions were entered with a different client selected, the transactions will not appear in the Enter Transactions screen for the correct client. You can quickly change the currently selected client in Enter Transactions by using the drop-down at the top-right of the screen.

Once the transactions are located, they will need to be deleted from the incorrect client and reentered for the correct client using one of the following methods:

  • If a small number of transactions were entered, they can be deleted more quickly by using the Edit Multiple Transactions dialog.
  • If a large number of transactions need to be moved to the correct client, you can print a Transaction Listing report that contains the needed transactions, then perform a Spreadsheet import of transactions to do so.

Your security group does not have permissions to view transactions of a certain type

Note: All transaction types except Check Summary Memos are available in both Journal mode or Bank Account mode; Check Summary Memos are available in Journal mode only.

The security features in Accounting CS can limit staff permissions to view particular types of transactions in the Enter Transactions screen, but not others.

A member of the administrator security group in the program can verify and change the permissions assigned to you through the Setup > Firm Information > Security Groups screen and the Setup > Firm information > Staff screen.

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