Frequently asked questions - Workpapers CS

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Workpapers icon is missing

If you purchased Workpapers CS in addition to other modules in Accounting CS, you will not see a separate icon for Workpapers CS in the application. All of the Workpapers CS functionality is bundled in the Accounting CS application, and all of your client data resides in a single shared location.

What about my staff who only need to access Accounting CS Workpapers? I don't want them to have full access to all areas in Accounting CS.

When setting up staff who only need to work within Accounting CS Workpapers, you can assign them to a workpapers-specific security group with privileges to access only those screens and tasks within Accounting CS Workpapers and limiting their access to other areas of the application based on their privileges. 

Enabling the View > Workpapers Dashboard command

The Workpapers CS license may not be installed: To check the to see what licenses you have installed, choose Help > About. For details, see License information.

The Workpapers service may not be enabled for the client:

Add the Workpapers service for the client from the Clients screen. For details, see Adding or removing a service.

Select another client for which the Workpapers service is enabled from a screen in which the Client Selector field or Client List is available - for example, the Enter Transactions screen or Setup > Clients screen.

Enabling firm security when the Workpapers service is active

Security must be enabled to use Workpapers. You can enable security in the Preferences tab of the Setup > Firm Information > Firm screen. Workpapers will not be available until you enable security and restart the program.

This prompt appears when you try to open Accounting CS with the Workpapers service activated, but security is not enabled for the firm. You may also have an active Workpapers CS trial license installed.

For details see, Enabling firm security and removing the Workpapers CS trial license in Accounting CS.

Setting up separate security groups in Workpapers CS

If you can't add the Workpapers service for your clients, be sure that you haven't set up more staff than you are licensed for in the Administrator security group. When setting up security, it is recommended that you create separate security groups based on task and assign the Administrator staff ID to one staff member with all privileges, known as the product champion.

For details see, Assigning staff to security groups

Transferring 1040 tax workpapers to the UltraTax CS Source Data Entry utility

Right-click a 1040 tax engagement workpaper (PDF) that has been processed and organized in the Engagement Binders Tree and choose Source Data Entry and the name of the form from which data is to be transferred. A tax facsimile form is automatically populated in the UltraTax CS Source Data Entry utility with data extracted from the selected 1040 tax workpaper. Use the utility to verify and correct any amounts in the tax form as needed, and then export it to UltraTax CS.

For details see, Transferring PDF workpapers for source data entry.

Error when opening the Workpapers Dashboard

System.Security.SecurityException: Requested registry access is not allowed. at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowSecurityException(ExceptionResource resource) at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenSubKey(String name, Boolean writable) at System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationServices.UnregisterValueType(Type type, String strAsmVersion) at System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationServices.UnregisterAssembly(Assembly assembly) at CS.Accounting.Business.Rules.RegistryRules.GetUnregisterAutomationDLL() at CS.Accounting.Business.Rules.RegistryRules.SetExcelAutomationRegistryItems() at CS.Accounting.Business.Rules.EngagementRules.SetRegistryItems() at CS.Accounting.UI.GL.Engagement.Workspace.EngagementWorkspaceWorkItem.SetRegistryItems() at CS.Accounting.UI.GL.Engagement.Workspace.EngagementWorkspaceWorkItem.OnRunStarted() ...

This error occurs when you attempt to open the Workpapers Dashboard and do not have local administrator privileges on the assigned workstation.

For details see, Error opening the Workpapers Dashboard.

Workpapers opening as read-only

There may be several reasons why you cannot edit a workpaper that is open in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel from within the engagement binder.

For details see, Reasons why workpapers open as read only.

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