Accounting CS Release User Bulletin v.2021.2.2 - July 22, 2021

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  • You can search for specific information (such as a state name) in this article. Details

    Follow these steps.

    1. Expand the text for the applicable sections or click the Show expandable text link at the top of this article to expand all text in the article.
    2. Press CTRL+F on your keyboard to open a search field above the toolbar.
    3. Enter the search term in the search field. As you type your search term, the Help & How-To Center highlights all instances of the term in the body of the article.
  • If you are looking for a specific update, but it doesn't appear in this bulletin, try checking the Accounting CS Alerts & notices article. 
  • New features and new reports that are released in this version might be protected by security privileges. If your firm has enabled firm security, please evaluate all enhancements and update your security groups as needed.

COVID-19 changes

Accounting CS Payroll, for live payroll processing

In addition to any changes made for general payroll features listed above for after-the-fact payroll processing, the following changes have been made for the live payroll processing features specific to Accounting CS Payroll.

Payroll compliance

  • Federal. Per the latest IRS guidance, we have removed the Form 941 e-file diagnostic that references Schedule R needing to be attached when the Employee Retention Credit exceeds $50,000. With this update, you can now e-file Form 941 returns that previously received this diagnostic message.
  • New Mexico. The Taxation and Revenue Department is in the process of redesigning its Combined Reporting System (CRS) to create separate returns for Withholding Tax, Gross Receipts Tax, and Compensating Tax and other business-related tax programs. For tax periods starting on or after July 1, 2021, Form TRD-41414 will replace Forms CRS-1 and CRS-1 Short and will be used as the Withholding Tax return for Monthly, Quarterly, and Semiannually depositors.

    Note: We are closely working with the Taxation and Revenue Department on implementing the new form and internet file. We plan to release both on a future application update in time to meet the August 25th filing deadline for Monthly filers.

  • Vermont. We have updated the Healthcare Contribution rate used for Form WHT-436 based on the latest version of Form HC-1 released by the state. Details

Updates for payroll tax forms, tax agents, and new hire files

To search for a specific state, locality, form, or file in one of the sections listed below, follow these steps.

  1. Expand the text for the section by clicking the link (such as Payroll tax forms added) or click the Show expandable text link at the top of this article to expand all text in the article.
  2. Press CTRL+F on your keyboard to open a search field above the toolbar.
  3. Enter the search term in the search field. As you type your search term, the Help & How-To Center highlights all instances of the term in the body of the article.
  • Payroll tax forms updated

    We have updated the following forms, internet files, and electronic files to the latest versions available from the agencies. Those forms marked with an asterisk (*) were released via an alert between application updates, not as part of the current release.


    • Form 941 electronic file – We have removed the e-file diagnostic preventing Form 941 from being electronically filed if the Employee Retention Credit exceeded $50,000.

Accounting CS includes two interactive tools that provide valuable payroll tax information.

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