1040 Pennsylvania frequently asked questions

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New (tax) year, new help!

Fixed Assets and UltraTax CS 2023 help is now on Help and Support. We're still moving articles, but you can find most content for the 2023 tax year there. Continue using the Help & How-To Center for tax years 2022 and older.

New for 2018

New Form
Form DEX-41 – Application for Refund/Rebate has been added to the system.

See also: 2018 Pennsylvania user bulletins

Frequently asked questions

Calculations & data entry

Accessing the Political Subdivision (PSD) code associated with the city code

Add, delete, and print additional return types

Amounts not printing on forms (OCR-A BT font issue)

Cancellation of debt

Determining the residency status of a Local EIT return

Email address requirements for Philadelphia returns

Entering estimates and overpayments for Local EIT returns

Estimates overview

Extension overview

Filing a joint return when the taxpayer is deceased

Filing a Local EIT return for a taxpayer and spouse that live and work in different cities

Filing a Local EIT return for a taxpayer that moved during the year

Indicating PA-40 as a farmer return

Interest and dividends on a nonresident return

Pennsylvania wages overview

Political Subdivision (PSD) codes and taxing authority city code setup

Preparing the extension payment

Printing a list of PSD codes and related municipality and school district names for each city code

Reciprocal agreements

Residency status

Retirement State Use Codes

Schedule PA-40X, Amended return

Tuition Savings Program (529 Plan)

Electronic filing

Electronic Extension, Form REV-276

Electronic filing - Pennsylvania forms

Electronic filing signature documents

Forms printing with numbers at the top and bottom of the pages

Printing returns separately from Form PA-40

Rule COP0-004

State Electronic Filing Guide

Forms approval

Viewing forms approval status

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